Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dreaming llamas

Ever had a weird dream and the next morning go somewhere and start asking people about it
like it really happened? Well, two days ago, I went out and started asking people if they had seen my llamas! (I think you've noticed I have a thing about llamas.) They looked at me as if I had two heads! I kept talking: Yah! They escaped last night! They were right there then, COK-A-DOODLE-DOO! And they were gone!

Now people were looking at me as if I had six heads! Then I realized none of them had seen my llamas, so I dropped the subject. It was humiliating! Later I drew a picture of a llama and my friend and I put it into a box hoping to discover who would find it. I went back to talking about the missing llamas, people were looking at me like I had eleven heads. You may not believe me, but I know my llamas are out there. Somewhere.

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