Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Surprise, surprise!

Have you ever given your mom a surprise party? I almost blew it 4 times! It was her 50th birthday. My friend left something at my house and I told her we could give it to them on Sunday! My mom had no idea why we would see them on Sunday! That happened a lot! Then I saw some of the guests on the doorstep when we were almost at the party place! I had to attack Mom! Well just giving you a heads-up... it's hard to give a surprise party. Really hard.


Greta&Vladimir Kokoschka said...

We much LOVE surprise parties! We have once, long ago in olde country, but little ребенок toss over beans almost to reveal, but we are very much busy as royal court gnomes and never catch on for clues so much very surprising when party comes to happen.

Bruce said...

Yikes! That sounds REALLY hard. I'll bet your Mom had a great time though.

Greta&Vladimir Kokoschka said...

perhappens we have surprise party on next birthday in July... if yes, we must start our planning earlier!